Apr 12, 2020

Electrolysis And Cell & Batteries Multiple Choice Questions And Answers -4 (English)

1. While preparing electrolyte for a lead-acid battery
(A) water is poured into acid
(B) acid is poured into water
(C) anyone of the two can be added to other chemical
(D) none of the above
Ans: (B)

2. When two batteries are connected in parallel, it should be ensured that
(A) they have same e.m.f.
(B) they have same make
(C) they have same ampere-hour capacity
(D) they have identical internal resistance
Ans: (A)

3. A battery of 6 cells will show a drop of _____ volts from fully charged state to fully discharged state.
(A) 1.0
(B) 1.5
(C) 2.4
(D) 2.9
Ans: (C)

4. Which of the following primary cells has the highest voltage ?
(A) Manganese-alkaline
(B) Carbon-zinc
(C) Lithium
(D) Mercury
Ans: (C)

5. Chargmg of sulphated battery produces ____ heat.
(A) no
(B) very little
(C) less
(D) more
Ans: (D)

6. Excessive charging a battery tends to
(A) produce gassing
(B) increase the internal resistance of the battery
(C) to corrode the positive plates into lead peroxide thereby weakening them physically
(D) bring about all above changes
Ans: (D)

7. Shelf life of a small dry cell is
(A) equal to that of large dry cell
(B) less than that of large dry cell
(C) more than that of large dry cell
(D) none of the above
Ans: (B)

8. Hydrogen evolved during charging produces explosive mixture when it is more than
(A) 2%
(B) 4%
(C) 6%
(D) 8%
Ans: (D)

9. In a lead-acid battery the energy is stored in the form of
(A) charged ions
(B) chemical energy
(C) electrostatic energy
(D) electromagnetic energy
Ans: (B)

10. Extent of corrosion in the underground metal work depends upon
(A) amount of moisture
(B) type of metals
(C) type of soil chemicals
(D) all above factors
Ans: (D)

11. Charging a sulphated battery at high rate results in
(A) boiling of electrolyte due to gassing
(B) warping of plates
(C) damage to separators, cell caps covers and battery case due to excessive temperature
(D) all above
Ans: (D)

12. Which of the following is incorrect ?
(A) A storage cell has a reversible chemical reaction
(B) A lead-acid cell can be recharged
(C) A carbon-zinc cell has unlimited shelf life
(D) A primary cell has an irreversible chemical reaction
Ans: (C)

13. Which of the following has lower sp. gravity V
(A) Dilute H2S04
(B) Concentrated H2SO4
(C) Water
(D) Any of the above
Ans: (C)

14. Petroleum jelly is applied to the electrical connections to the lead-acid battery
(A) prevent local heating
(B) prevent short-circuiting
(C) reduce path resistance
(D) prevent corrosion
Ans: (D)

15 _____ of electrolyte indicates the state of charge of the battery
(A) colour
(B) mass
(C) viscosity
(D) specific gravity
Ans: (D)

16. The following indicate that battery on charge has attained full charge
(A) colour of electrode
(B) gassing
(C) specific gravity
(D) all above
Ans: (D)

17. Which among the following constitutes the major load for an automobile battery ?
(A) Brake light
(B) Self starter
(C) Parking lights
(D) Spark plugs
Ans: (B)

18. Specific gravity of electrolyte in Edison cell is
(A) 0.8
(B) 0.95
(C) 1.1
(D) 1.21
Ans: (D)

19. All the electrical connections between the battery and vehicle should be by
(A) thin aluminium wires
(B) thin copper wires
(C) rigid cables
(D) flexible cables
Ans: (D)

20. Persons preparing electrolyte should wear
(A) goggles or other face shield
(B) rubber
(C) rubber boots and gloves
(D) all above safety devices
Ans: (D)

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