Apr 19, 2020

Recognize the hidden skills inside you

In order to advance the society, every person should recognize the hidden skills within him. If any society moves forward, then the citizens of that society are behind it. The most important role for advancing a society is the citizens of that society.

And that society will be able to move forward only when the people of that society will understand their inner skills and will help each other in their work and not jealous of their work. So friends, read such a Motivational Story and give our important support in developing our society-
This story is fictitious. This story is about a person born in a small village in a poor family. His name is Raman. There was so much struggle in Raman's life that he could barely do his schooling till eighth grade. After passing the eighth examination, he decided to go to the city. Raman went to the city to find a job.

Onread about a job offer in the newspaper. That job was not very big but from her point of view she liked that job. Raman thought very carefully and then fearfully gave his application for that job. Raman reached that office's address from that newspaper. On reaching there, he saw that there was a very long line for jobs there.

After some time his interview number came. The interviewer asked Raman a lot of questions. In one of them, an interviewer asked Raman if you have e-mail ID. Raman was a simple man of the village. He did not know what an email ID is. Then Raman told that interviewer that I do not have email id.

Then what was to happen after that, that interviewer told Raman that you do not know the email id. In today's technology and modern times, you do not know what e-mail ID is. After this, he was removed from the job.

After this Raman walked a little bit away from that office and then he started counting the money kept in his jab. He had a total of 200 rupees. He deliberated for a while and then bought his 200 rupees grapes from the market and sold them in the streets till evening. At night, when he counted the money earned from those sold grapes, he was 300 rupees his profit was 100 rupees. He was very happy and then thought that now he will sell fruits everyday.

The next day he bought the grapes again with that money and set out to sell them again. He then got the benefit. Now Raman would buy and sell grapes daily and now within a few days he bought himself a small shop in Mandi and started selling grapes as well as other fruits. He converted that small shop into a big shop with his hard work and dedication.

Now he has a shop of 7-8 in a few years. When he went back to his village, he told his friends and people there that he does business of selling fruits in the city. He also suggested the people of those villages to go to the city and work with them. They also went to the city with Raman and started working in his shop.

Gradually, those people also started benefiting and they opened their own fruit or vegetable shop in the nearby city. Now every person in that village had become rich and that village had become very developed. Now Raman had become a very big business man and the whole country was watching his success. When the media came to know this, Raman had studied only till the eighth standard and he was from a poor family in the village. Now that he has become a very big businessman, he reached Raman to find out about the secret of his success.

The media persons came to him from different channels. One day a reporter came to interview him. He posed a lot of questions to Raman, his struggles with Raman, how he opened a shop and how he grew his business. She asked Raman many such questions ??

In the last, he asked Raman that if you have an e-mail ID, then give it to us ??

We will send the video of this interview to your email.

Like that reporter asked this question, Raman who had now become a business man. He replied that no, I do not have an email ID. The reporter who came to interview Raman, when he did not listen to Raman's mouth, he asked Raman that you are such a big business man but you do not know about the email id. After this Raman gave a very good answer that if I had an email id, I would not have been such a big fruit merchant today, this is the secret of his success.

Friends, this short story teaches us that in this short life, there is some kind of skill in everyone and there is a need to identify that skill only. Friends, there is no need to do anything small, so only to do that work with passion and dedication.

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